The detailed process of making fresh, homemade sausage is simple with our Tre Spade horizontal sausage stuffers. This stainless steel, watertight, cylindrical sausage stuffer offers a wide selection of sizes and configurations for residential and commercial applications. This standard model’s rack is made of carbon steel; to provide the user with effective production and long-lasting service. Its Maplin piston is equipped with silicon seal and an air release valve. This model is also equipped with two bench clamps. This stuffer is watertight and has easy to clean cylinder welding, ultimately cutting down on your clean up time. The four funnel sizes (10, 20, 30 and 40 mm) allow you to expand the possibilities of how you want to create your linked sausages. While great for creating perfectly-shaped sausages, you can also use this tool towards pepperoni sticks Made in Italy.